Dick Tracy Wiki

Other ethnic Groups[]

Other ethnic minorityes in the Dick Tracy up to the 1940's

  • German-Americans: Kindly old cherry shopkeepers such as Emil Trueheart or as a comic relief of a ethnic German Heinie from Holland who not only helps Dick Dracy escape from a cliffhanger death trap but also scolds Pat Patton for taking a cookie from a cookie jar! It was during World War II the German-Americans got a bad rap for being foreign spys/traitors' Spy 26; Hantz Turtle The Brow; Pruneface; Morgancoin aka Agent 20.
  • Italian-Americans: Either as gangsters Big Boy and Spaldoni or as a cowardly shopkeeper too terrified to help Dick Tracy- {1930's storyline of a minor characther named Tony}

There's no evidence that Emil Trueheart was supposed to be German. And if Heinie was from Holland, that would make him Dutch, not German.

Similarly, Spaldoni's family was British, and there was never any indication of Big Boy's ethnicity.

Dmitrioi (talk) 19:37, December 3, 2015 (UTC)

Gould would also use the same simple farmer ruralite character "Deus ex Machina to help the story along-such as the farmer who gave Steve the Tramp and Stooge Villera ride and was knocked out by Steve so his car could be stolen; the farmer who found the body of Jerry O' Marra and alerted a highway patrolman; or the squirrel hunter who witnessed the murder and help recover the body of >Red Bluff for Dick Tracy> and posse.Gould used the brief mentions of Steave the Trsmp and Stooge VIllers assaults of five victiums {3 farmers; a hired hand and his wife] as a deus ex machina device {along with the Steele ocean vovegue) simply to keep the readers attention on the next epsiode; he never tells if the assaults were fatal or not!
