Dick Tracy Wiki
Johnny Ramm

First Appearance:

April 7th, 1938

Known Associates:

Stud Bronzen (Deceased)
Mayor Chiang of Chinatown (Deceased)

Created By:

Chester Gould

Can Be Found:

The Complete Dick Tracy Vol. 5

Johnny Ramm was the head of a smuggling ring for the unofficial "mayor" of the Chinatown area of Dick Tracy's city. He had deep-set eyes, dark wavy hair and a moustache.


Johnny Ramm maintained a reputation as a legitimate businessman who owned a restaurant. In addition to this, Johnny Ramm and his gang were part of a criminal operation that smuggled Chinese immigrants into the United States. Dick Tracy faked his own death and infiltrated Ramm's gang under the disguise of "Pete Reppoc" ("copper" spelt backwards). Ramm was eventually caught and arrested by Tracy.

Appearances In Other Media

1990 Feature Film


Possibly Johnny Ramm

In the 1990 film, Johnny Ramm was present as the meeting held by Big Boy (apparently the man in green sitting next to Pruneface). He was also present at Big Boy's party and was later arrested by Dick Tracy in a meat packaging store.


  • Johnny's physical appearance seems to be based on actor Clark Gable (see also Jimmy "Trigger" Doom).